1.a). Write a C program to evaluates the following algebraic expressions after reading necessary values from the user:
i) ax+b/ax-b
ii)2.5 log x + cos 320 + | x2 –y2 | + √ 2xy
b). Implement Stack using arrays.
2.a )Write a C program for the following
Printing three given integers in ascending order
b). Implement the Linear Queue data structure using Arrays
3). a).Write a C program for the following
1 + x2/2! + x2/ 4!+ _ _ _ _ _ upto ten terms
b). Implement the Bubble sort technique.
4. a) Write a C program for the following
x +x3/3! + x5/5!+ _ _ _ _ _ upto 7th digit accuracy
b).Implement the Insertion Sort technique.
5. a).Write C program using FOR statement to find the following from a given set of N integers.
i) Total number of even integers. ii) Total number of odd integers.
iii) Sum of all even integers. iv) Sum of all odd integers.
b). Implement the Binary Searching method.
6). a). Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
Multiplication of Two Matrices
b). Implement the Sequential searching method.
7). a). Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
Addition of Two Matrices
b). implement following operations on Singly linked list
i) Insertion iii) Lookup
8. a)Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) Reading a complex number ii) Writing a complex number
iii) Addition of two complex numbersiv) Multiplication of two complex numbers
(Note: represent complex number using a structure.)
. b). Implement the sequential search method.
9. a) Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer
b). implement following operations on Singly linked list
i) Deletion ii) Lookup
10. a).Write C programs to print the following outputs using for loop.
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
b). implement following operations on double linked list
i) Insertion iii) Lookup
11).a).Given a number, write C program using while loop to reverse the digits of the number. Example 1234 to be written as 4321.
b). Implement queue using singly linked list.
12. a).The Fibonacci sequence of numbers is 1,1,2,3,5,8… based on the recurrence relation f(n) = f (n-1) + f (n-2) for n>2.
Write C program using d0-while to calculate and print the first m fibonacci numbers. b) Implement stack using singly linked list.
13. a).Write C programs to print the following outputs using for loop.
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
b). implement following operations on Singly linked list
i) reversing iii) Lookup
14. a).Write C programs to print the following outputs using for loop.
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
b). Implement Deletion and Lookup operations on double linked list.
15. a).Write a function that will scan a character string passed as an argument and covert all lower case characters into their upper case equivalents.
b).Implement the Quick sorting techniques.
16).a).write a C program to find the real roots of quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0.
b).write a C program to determine the length of a character string using the pointers.
17)) a).write a C program to print the first N F10ibonacci series.
b).write a C program using pointer to determine the sum of an array element.
18).a).write a C program to evaluate the Series.
x -x3/3! + x5/5!+ _ _ _ _ _ upto N terms
b).write a C program to print all the palindromes in between 1 and 1000.
20)a)..write a C program to print the prime numbers less than N.
b)..write a C program to transpose of the matrix
21)a).write a C program to sort N numbers in the ascending order.
b). implement following operations on singly linked list
i) Deletion ii) Lookup
22)a)..write a C program to find the maximum , minimum and middle of 3 numbers.
b). Implement the Bubble sort techniques.
23).a).write a C program using case statement to convert to the temperature in all scales using the following formula C/100 = F-32/180 = K-273/100 =R/80;
b).Implement the selection sort technique.
24).a).write a program to copy the contents of one file to other file.
b).Write C program using FOR statement to find the following from a given set of N integer
i) Total number of even integers. ii) Total number of odd integers.
iii) Sum of all even integers. iv) Sum of all odd integers
25).a).write a C program to calculate student-wise total for three students using an array of structure.
b). Implement the Binary Search method.
26).a).write a program for copy data one file to other file.
b).write a program to implement a stack program.
27). a).Write C program using FOR statement to find the following from a given set of N integer
i) Total number of even integers. ii) Total number of odd integers.
iii) Sum of all even integers. iv) Sum of all odd integers
b). ). Implement the Binary Search method.
28).a).write a C program to matrix addition of two matrix.
b).write a program for queue implementation using array.
29).a).write a program to print list of values in reverse using the pointer variables .
b).find out maximum minimum and middle of given three numbers.
30).a) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers
b).) Write a C program which copies one file to another
31). Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
i) Creating a Binary Tree of integers
ii) Traversing the above binary tree in preorder, inorder and postorder
33). Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on doubly linked list.: i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal in both ways
34).a).Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
i) Reading a complex number ii) Writing a complex number
iii) Addition of two complex numbers iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers
(Note: represent complex number using a structure.)
b).write a C program to find the real roots of quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0.
35)a). Write C programs that implement the following sorting method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order:
i) Quick sort
b).write a C program to calculate student-wise total for three students using an array of structure.
36).Write C programs that implement the following sorting method to sort a given list of integers in ascending order: i) Merge sort
b).find out maximum minimum and middle of given three numbers
37.Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:
i) Converting infix expression into postfix expression
ii) Evaluating the postfix expression
38). Write C programs to implement Trapezoidal and Simpson methods.
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