Friday, September 10, 2010


1) design a transistor circuit of 2 input ECL NOR gate. explain operation with function table.
2)design a transistor circuit of 2 input TTL NAND gate and explain its operation with a function table.
3)design a transistor circuit of 2 input CMOS AND-OR-INVERTER gate. explain its operation with a function table.
4)explain with example the syntax and the function of the following VHDL statements.
a)component declaration and instantiation
b)conditional signal assignment statement
c)function definition
d)package structure
e)selective signal assignment statement
5)analyze the rise time and fall time of CMOS inverter output
6)VHDL program to implement the following SOP function f(a,b,c) = sigma(2,5,6,7)
7)explain the program structure of VHDL
8)explain the various data types supported by VHDL. give the necessary explaination.
9) explain the following terms with reference to CMOS gate.
a)voltage levels for logic1 and logic0
b)DC noise margin
c)high state fanm out
d)low state unit load
e)propogation delay
f)low state fan out
g)v1Hmin. V1Lmax, V0Hmin, VoLmax, IIH, IIL, IOLmax, IOHmin
10)design a transistor of 2 input CMOS NOR gate and explain the operation with the help of function table

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